Yorgos  Foudoulis

classical guitarist, composer













"...In a high standard art acrobaties, the artist's soul is the one leading his steps. Yorgos Foudoulis has from a very early age proved that he knows how to ulter his secret talents with high vibrations of quality and grace, as well as to excessively bridle his guitar sound.
The faultless rhythm of his inner breath captures and surrounds the eyesight and the hearing.
His sound tender and round launches discreetly through the instrument's dynamics, spreading emotional waves to the audience.
His right hand swings above the instrument and then in an angel's harpist shuttles its dome, fascinating heart and mind.
Guitar and guitarist ten fingers and six strings in a holy commitment surround the hall in a unique musical experience..." 

(newsp. "Empros")

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  • 27 June 2009, Thasos, Greece

  • 20 - 21 June 2009, Volos, Greece

  • 6 June 2009, Trikala, Greece

  • 25 May 2009, Volos, Greece

  • 20 - 22 March 2009, Halkidiki, Greece

  • 14 March 2009, Volos, Greece

  • 4 – 7 January 2009, 10th International Winter Guitar Festival, Volos, Greece

  • 15 November 2008, Music & Poetry Festival, Volos, Greece

  • 23 - 30 July 2008, 2nd International Guitar Festival, Skopelos, Greece

  • 28 April - 3 May 2008, Paphos International Music Festival, Cyprus

  • 19 - 20 April 2008, Chalkidiki, Greece

  • 23 February 2008, American Guitar Society, Los Angeles, California

  • 22 February 2008, Cal State Fullerton, California

  • 21 February 2008, Cal State Fullerton, California

  • 20 February 2008, Long Beach Guitar Society, California

  • 3 – 6 January 2008, 10th International Winter Guitar Festival, Volos, Greece

  • 23 – 27 July 2007, International Guitar Festival, Skopelos, Greece

  • 18 – 21 July 2007, 2nd Summer Guitar Academy, Volos, Greece

  • 21 June 2007, European Music Day, Volos, Greece

  • 28 April 2007, Poetry & Music Festival, Volos, Greece

  • 17 – 18 March 2007, Halkidiki, Greece

  • 4 – 7 January 2007, 9th International Winter Guitar Festival, Volos, Greece

  • 26 October 2006, Ceccano, Italy, IGS Guitar Symposium

  • 18, 19 August 2006, Nis, Serbia

  • 24 - 28 July 2006, 3rd Camping Guitar Festival, Porto Heli, Greece 

  • 29 April 2006, Zory, Poland

  • 27 - 30 April 2006, Zory, Poland International Guitar Festival and Competition

  • 27 April 2006, Katowice, Poland

  • 11 April 2006, Velika Plana, Serbia

  • 10 April 2006, Kraljevo, Serbia

  • 9  April 2006, Nis, Serbia


"Iolkos" - Yorgos Foudoulis

The music of the collection "Iolkos" bears deep influences by the myth of Jason and the present as well, since it was actually created in it. In many of its parts, situations and sentiments are described, sounds from nature and its elements are transported, the human awe of the Divine and Fate is expressed...

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Winter Guitar Festival

The 10th Winter Guitar Festival  will be held in January 4th to 7th 2009 with Yorgos Foudoulis as artistic director.

The festival inludes recitals, seminars, lectures, master classes and competitions of classical, flamenco, electric guitar, chamber music and guitar orchestra.
The competition has 4 categories...

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"Greek Impressions"

Subways Music presents the album “Greek Impressions”. Some important and original works by Greek composers for guitar duo performed by the well known and particularly enterprising guitarists and composers Leonidas Kanaris and Yorgos Foudoulis, in a 70 min CD.

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Composition Competition

Foudoulis' Conservatory  organizes the Inter- national Compostition Competition of Volos, in which contestants of all nationalities, adults, students, even children can take part.
There are several categories of music:
solo instrument  vocals, music for ensembles, symphony orchestra, music technology etc.

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